June 18, 2020

6 Ways to Celebrate the Birthday of a Deceased Loved One

by Johanna Mutz

Birthdays can be one of the hardest days of the year after losing someone. You may be experiencing mixed feelings of joyful memories and grief – that’s normal. Your grieving process is unique to you. You can spend their birthday however you want. 

If you would like to do something to remember your deceased loved one on their birthday but aren’t sure what to do, here are some ideas.


Some people buy a cake and blow out candles on a deceased loved one’s birthday. You may not feel up to celebrating, though, and that’s OK. There aren’t any rules with grieving. You could simply burn a candle, such as ourShining Bright Birthday Candle that’s made just for this special day, and take a brief moment to remember your loved one.

A glass candle labeled Jonathan May the angels sing to you the most joyous chorus of Happy Birthday with whipped cream and sparkles at the top. Sitting on a desk.

Shining Bright Birthday Candle

Regular price$ 36.00

Celebrate the birthday or home going day of a loved one who has passed away with a special vanilla frosting whipped cupcake candle. Add your loved one's name in the text box above and our team will personalize it on the candle. This candle is scented like a vanilla birthday cake. 

Each 8 ounce soy wax candle is hand poured exclusively by laurelbox. Since these candles are hand poured, each come with their own beautiful set of imperfections.

Each label reads: May the angels sing to you the most joyous chorus of Happy Birthday.


Something we tell our friends is that we don’t want them to feel alone in their grief. Sometimes talking about a special memory, even through comments with family and friends on a Facebook post, can help you feel a little less alone on their birthday.


If the person who died was someone you confided in, you may feel lost not having them around to talk to. Writing them a letter could be therapeutic for you. You could share your thoughts and struggles with them or fill them in on what’s happening in your life. Or maybe you just need to say you love and miss them.



Regular price$ 69.00

Although they may no longer be earth-side, celebrating the day of their birth is still a special part of honoring their memory. These three items were specially chosen to commemorate and celebrate your loved one. Each gift is exclusive for laurelbox, and perfectly designed to invite a day of remembering the love you shared.


  • Shining Bright Birthday Candle: These 8 ounce soy wax birthday cake scented candles are a sensitive way to celebrate a birthday or home-going day of a loved one who has passed away. They are hand poured with love in Cincinnati.
  • Joyous Chorus Plate: Whether you choose to display this porcelain plate in your home, save it as jewelry tray, or use it for a slice of commemorative birthday cake, it is sure to remind you of the love you shared. 6.5" in diameter. Gold edged and printed with gold foil. Non microwaveable. Hand wash only.
  • Birthday Apothecary Matches:  Includes 45 colored tip safety matches and a strike on bottle design. The perfect compliment to the Shining Bright Birthday Candle.


Did you and your loved one have something special you did together? Maybe on Sundays you’d grab a coffee or you were both fiercely competitive at board games. If you’re feeling up to it, you can set aside time on their birthday to do something you both enjoyed.


We love the idea of giving back to a community or cause your loved one was passionate about. We think it’s a wonderful way to honor someone if you’re financially able to make a monetary donation or if you can volunteer your time.


If you lost a friend and you’re still close with their family, you could continue your tradition of buying them a birthday present by sending a memorial birthday gift to their sibling or sending a heartfelt gift for a grieving mother. This simple act of kindness could help provide comfort and support through this season of loss and grief for you and their family. 

Some people honor deceased loved ones on their birthday by throwing a party or doing something they loved doing. That doesn’t mean you have to, though. There aren’t any “shoulds” with grief. Grief is personal. You can do whatever you feel comfortable doing to remember your loved one on their birthday.

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Johanna is co-founder of laurelbox, an online store with gifts to care for the soul after loss.